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The future of Refining
is to offer the future.
Power Tools.
Solving Real Problems.
A Better Way to Buy Motor Fuel

Meet the Motor Fuel Power Tools Every Refiner Must Have

Offering Refiners the Future of Motor Fuel. Redefining Digital Innovation.
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Unlimited Possibilities.

Unbelievably Powerful Tools.

Offer the Future

Customers are online
They want choice
They want to see future period pricing
They want it:
  • Where they need it
  • In quantities of their choice
They want what you have to offer
Will you be ready?
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Your customers are already online

The Market is Ready


Existed for decades

Selling motor fuel for future delivery periods had been available to refiners for decades through large commodity exchanges, but such exchanges have been missing a key participant: BUYERS.


Buyers are ready

The natural buyers of motor fuel (people that drive) haven't been provided access to see, shop or buy fuel for their future delivery needs. They're online. They want choice. They want what you have to offer... 


Offer the future

+99% of all fuel is sold at spot prices when consumers need to fill up. Consumers want to see what the future of motor fuel looks like. They want it where and when they need it and in the quantities they choose.

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EVERY WAY You Sell Today






Direct Bulk Sales to Customers

Today, Tomorrow & Beyond

Unlimited Possibilities.

Unbelievably Powerful Tools.




Boundless Opportunity...

Enhancing your reach and offerings

Refinery Power Tool Features

Robust Price Creation Tools
Daily, Monthly, Yearly Pricing
Contingent Supplier & Customer Pricing
Product Blending
Delivery Customization
Customer Price Customization
And that's just the beginning...

Expansion of Opportunities

Change is here. The opportunity to expand is now.
New customers. New future periods to sell. New ways to sell. New ways to expand your margins!
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Social fueling!

New customers are online

Cloud-Based Software

 Just create an account. Connect to your customers. See a new world of fuel pricing tools. Create prices, programs and strategies on our system or we can link to yours. 
No Costs

Free software and no upfront costs or subscription fees.
No Upgrades

No hardware upgrades needed. Cloud-based system allows easy overlay of company existing processes and procedures.



Join the motor fuel revolution.

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