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Frequently Asked Questions

Fuel Differently... For Good
A Better Way to Buy Motor Fuel
  • How do I get prices from other distributors?
    You simply enter the email address for the distributor and click “invite” to see prices.
  • How much does Gasology cost?
    The platform itself is free and always will be. There is never cost for buyers and a small transaction fee for distributors (only when selling for future periods).
  • How does Gasology differ from my current process?
    Our technology gives you access to your entire supply chain and process at your fingertips. That means: more choices, better prices, innovative tools, less volatility and time saved.
  • Does the fuel price include delivery charges?
    Prices can be displayed for pickup or delivery. The choice is yours.
  • What does Gasology do?
    Gasology is an independent marketplace that connects the entire motor fuel supply chain where you are able to buy or sell any fuel at any location for any time period.
  • If I buy fuel for future periods, when do I pay?
    Payment is typically required at the time of purchase (like airline tickets). However, you have the ability to work with suppliers if you need to defer a payment.
  • What does it mean to buy for a future period?
    With Gasology, you can compare prices for future dates and purchase them today. Like buying airline tickets, this process saves you money and ensures inventory. Still unclear? Watch the video below.
  • What happens if fuel prices drop?
    Future prices are not guaranteed to be lower, but just like airline tickets the price is almost always less than purchasing the day of (typically 40-50% cheaper).
  • Where else is future period purchasing for motor fuel available?
    Many larger institutions have been buying at future periods in large quantities for decades. However, Gasology is the only app that makes this accessible to everyone.
  • What if I have contracts or want to continue using my current distributors?
    You can purchase from your current distributors through our platform, now with powerful tools and a streamlined process.

Join the motor fuel revolution.

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